Helping your dog master the sit and down commands

The basics of puppy training start with teaching some elementary commands such as Sit and Down to your pooch. These commands are also building blocks for any other form of behavior training, and play pre-requisite to establishing yourself as the pack leader.

Why being the pack leader for your dog is important is discussed in our article ‘Psychology of Dogs’ here

Important things to keep in mind:

    1. Be consistent.

    2. Keep your sessions short, so your dog is not frustrated.

    3. Make the experience positive for your dog.

    4. Keep some treats handy. Small, easy-to-eat treats are better than crunchy treats, so your dog can eat them faster.

    5. Start with your dog on a leash. This way you can make sure he’s not distracted.

    6. Sit with him in a room free of distractions.


This is obvious and simple - Sit is the first thing you teach your pooch. The key thing to note is to make sure your pup is consistently sitting when you issue the command, without any hesitation, before you move on to any other form of obedience training.


    1. Hold a treat above your dog's nose and say ‘SIT’.

    2. Next, move the treat over his head in the direction of his tail.

    3. Your pup will keep his eyes on the treat, forcing him to sit down.

    4. The moment your dog sits, say “good boy”, “good sit”. Give him the treat and plenty of love.

    5. Repeat this in 5 - 10 min sessions, 2 - 3 times a day.

    6. When your dog reliably sits for your empty hand, add your verbal cue ‘sit’ right before you give the hand signal. In no time, your dog will respond to the verbal cue alone.


    1. Don't hold the treats too high. If your dog is raising his paws in the air to get the treat from above his head, you are holding the treat too high.

    2. Don't push your dog’s hind end down to make them sit. This can be very intimidating and confusing for him.

Sit command

If your dog is struggling to understand this process, you can also try a reverse method - by starting from a down position. Start with them lying on the ground, and slowly raise the treat till they are in a sit position.

This is called lure and reward training. Now you know why.


Down is another basic command to teach your puppy. It keeps him out of trouble and encourages him to calm down.


    1. When your dog’s sitting, hold a treat to his nose.

    2. Bring the treat down to the puppy’s front paws. He will lower his head to follow the treat.

    3. Continue moving the treat out along the ground, away from the puppy. We are essentially making an L position. As your puppy follows the treat, it should lie down.

    4. As soon as the puppy is in a down position, praise him and give him a reward.

    5. Try to have lure and reward with different hands.

    6. Finally, lure your puppy with an empty hand and reward it with a treat from the opposite hand.

    7. Your puppy will now understand the hand signal which is lowering your hand towards the ground.

    8. Once your puppy is responding to the hand signal, say ‘DOWN’ as a verbal cue before you give the hand signal. Slowly your puppy will respond to verbal cues only.

Down command


    1. If you can’t lure him down, don’t try to physically force him to lie down. If you do so, it may have the opposite effect. Your dog will try to stand to resist the pressure. Or you may frighten him, making the position less appealing.

    2. Reward your puppy when they are in the down position, as opposed to when they sit up again. Placement of rewards is important to make them understand what they have done right.

If you are looking for a new pup to adopt, find some of our most adorable pup litters here

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About Author

Rajani Singh
A budding poet and sci-fi writer, while also flexing my product management skills. Checkout my debut poetry book: Heart Strings .