Most loyal dog breeds – Part 1

Dogs have a reputation for their loyalty, but some breeds are indeed more loyal than others. The dog breeds can be put into 7 categories – they are Sporting, Hound, Working, Terrier, Toy, Non-Sporting, Herding.

It is due to the inherent traits the “Working Group”, most of the dog breeds considered to be most loyal fall in this category. One reason why this happens could be the working dogs have been bred for a specific job and trained for generations to perform that job. Some of these jobs include guarding, herding, etc. It is natural then for these dogs to spend a lot of time with their owners and developed over a long period of time a sense of connection and loyalty to their owners.

Affection, devotion and an interest in pleasing their people are key traits of a loyal dog breed.

Thanks to the popularity of certain dog breeds in movies, everyone relates a German Shepherd to a guard dog, but not all dog breeds have been so lucky to get such fame, acting in movies and therefore the commoners don’t really understand the choices of breeds available when they pick a breed for their homes.

We set out to explore what are some of the most loyal dog breeds for people to consider.


Rottweilers originated in Germany, and served as multifaceted herding dog used for stock protection. They were believed to be descendants of Roman legions, and served as well-known guard, particularly for traveling butcher, as they guarded the meat, money etc, which is how they got their names Butcher’s Dog. Rottweil is a town in Germany where the Rottweiler first became utilized by the Germans. Eventually the Butcher’s Dog became known simply as the Rottweiler.

This large breed dog has been given a negative stigma, as many people associate their tough, muscular appearance with viciousness; however, nothing could be further from the truth.


Positive reinforcement and socialization goes a long way for Rottweilers. Well-socialized Rotties get along with people very nicely, but at the same time they can be slightly aggressive and dominant. These are active, intelligent dogs with a strong personality, hence they need guidance right from the start. Given their size and strength, if left on their own and without proper guidance, they are capable of much destruction. Rottweilers do best with trainings, and need an owner with good knowledge of the breed and a firm, patient hand to train them.

Rotties have long history of being a working companion, they prefer to have a purpose in life and something to do. Rottweilers are not dogs that will be happy if left alone. They want to go out and explore the world with you. This breed of dog is known for its strength, so make sure you invest in good leashes and spend ample amount of time focusing on loose-leash walking from puppyhood to adulthood. A long walk every day goes a long way in making sure your Rottie is happy, healthy and getting proper exercise. They may look tough but they are quite sensitive and can suffer from separation anxiety, so make sure you don’t leave your Rotties alone for too long.

German Shepherd

German Shepherd Dog (GSD; German: Deutscher Schäferhund), the breed that is synonym to intelligence, hardiness, confidence and authority. As the name suggests, this breed of dog is descendent of German origin, originally bred for herding sheep. Serving the breed’s original purpose, German shepherds are capable working dogs that show unmatched valor and devotion towards any tasks at hand.

German Shepherds are also commonly known as ‘Alsatians’, from the British influence in India; and they make up for excellent guard dogs.

TIn dog nomenclature they are considered moderately active and qualify as self-assured breeds. Given the genetic make-up and behavioral traits, GSDs require to be kept both physically and mentally active. You are welcome to do your own research, in any case, AllDogs recommends this mental stimulation toy to help provide the necessary mental stimulation to your GSD.

German Shepherd

German Shepherds are loyal partners who show ability to learn and retain training for any given number of tasks. These bold and fighter attitude dogs, will excel at almost anything they are trained to do, and hence they often double up as military, police and service dogs. Their trainability and extreme loyalty commitment make them an excellent choice for any agenda. To prevent aggressive behavior from over guarding, these dogs should be pampered with generous socialization and obedience training from a young age, approximately from the age of 3 months.

Unlike other breeds such as Labrador, who are quick to please to get attention and affection, German shepherds do not give affection lightly. They are known for their dignity and are also known as ‘one-man’ breed for its likelihood to display fidelity towards its owner. German Shepherds get along well with children, and keeping up with their guarding instincts are cautious of strangers.

Labrador Retriever

Now most widely recognized as a Sweetheart of millions of homes in India, The Labrador Retriever, often abbreviated to just Labrador or "Lab", is a breed of retriever gun dog from the United Kingdom that was originally developed from imported Canadian fishing dogs.

Labrador Retrievers are loyal dogs who are happy to spend time with all members of the family. Eager to please, they respond well to positive training. Their coat is medium length, with floppy ears and a long, often wagging, tail. Size wise, Labrador Retrievers range between 55 and 80 pounds.

Labrador Retreiver

Labs are also very intelligent and if properly trained, can make for a decent guard dog, although not ideal. Labs are not the ones to be tied in front of the house in your porch and left to guard your house all day long. This breed needs activity, both physical and mental, to keep them happy and mentally-stimulated. There is some variation in the activity level of Labs: some are very active, others are more laid back, but all thrive on physical and mental activities.

Caring for a Loyal Dog Breed

Some primary consideration while selecting a dog breed for your home include size temperament and the exercise needs of the dog.

What makes a dog breed loyal is their smartness and this smartness needs to be kept in mind; precisely, the loyal dogs need attention, care, training, love, affection and more importantly a purpose for their life. The purpose for their life can be guarding, herding or event just accompanying someone.

The emotional needs of a dog are such that a very loyal dog also tends to expect to be with the owner at all times, especially the ones like German Shepherd or Rottweiler. If the separation anxiety isn’t attended to in a consistent manner early on, the dog can pose serious challenges to those around it. For example, if the owner leaves home for work, the dog can become destructive a at home or be overly aloof or aggressive to those around at home. So, keep in mind to train specifically for separation anxiety. One tip that professional dog trainers would offer is to gradually increase the separation times from the time the puppy arrived at home.

Another trait of the loyal dog breeds that needs to be kept in mind is their necessity to be protective of their family. If not channelled properly early on, the dog can become over protective and pose challenges to others around the owner. Early socialization is necessary to make the dog learn early on that its owner doesn’t need to be protected from everyone around them.

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About Author

Rajani Singh
A budding poet and sci-fi writer, while also flexing my product management skills. Checkout my debut poetry book: Heart Strings .