What are the nutritional needs of a puppy?

Alldogs.in specializes in everything pets and care. With the help of our network of qualified veterinarians we aim to bring comprehensive information from bringing your puppy home to nutrition to its growth needs. Here are some things you might want to know about your pet’s health and nutrition.

Three different stages of a puppy


Most of the dogs’ development happens in the initial year itself. About 5 to 10% of their lives are spent originating during this stage. Smaller breeds take about six months to mature. This is a critical period since the first 50% of their readiness happens at this time, where the internal organs and tissues are still forming. Even the immune, digestive systems and the brain develop at this time. Therefore, it is crucial to provide them with the right kind of nutrition. Unfortunately, gaps at this stage can affect their maturity and catching up later can become an issue.


About 50% to 80% of growth is in the second stage, where the puppy begins putting on weight. At this point, you will see muscles building up, and bones are strengthened. Again, ensure that the dog gets sufficient protein along with a balanced diet to support its growth. AllDogs recommends Para Lac daily food for puppies.


This is the final stage of growth, where 80% to 100% of growth is achieved. The brain is highly active, and with just 20% of the final evolution remaining, it grasps a lot of information, especially when in an external environment.


As cute litter puppies begin growing, it is inspiring to watch them learn and play with each other. It is great to observe how each of one them reacts differently to a single stimulus. But when it comes to showing love and affection, these puppies use their mouths, which is also a natural habit for the animals.

Did you know that a dog has three stages of growth?

Nutritional needs of the puppy

Pets do not revel in food and do not consider it entertainment. Therefore, having a variety of food might not really be stimulating. In fact, diversified food items can stress a dog’s digestive system and must be avoided at all costs. Also, do not change the diet often, which will make your pet a picky eater.

Create a sense of eagerness in the animal when you get the food. Dogs can be opportunistic feeders, so it is best to avoid making food available all the time. However, to ensure optimal nourishment levels, you must provide them with the appropriate nutrients (around 42). Therefore, giving them the right food in the right quantities and maintaining a balanced diet is the right way to feed the puppy.

Some pet parents might think about adding supplements to the dog’s food. But if the nutrition is adequate and complete, supplements may not be required. On the other hand, if the pet is diagnosed with a deficiency, get a prescriptive supplement from the vet and avoid self-medicating.

You may also want to remember that most dogs require the same amount of nutrition and adjust well to similar recipes. But you must keep a keen eye on the puppy’s nourishment.


A disorder associated with the bone, pets could develop East-West pasterns which require vitamin C, D, and glucosamine supplements. Dogs acquire pasterns when food and nutrition are not in harmony with their weight and due to extreme exercise. The condition is also related to the first 50% stage of the pet’s growth cycle, where nutrition might have been inadequate. Therefore, transition them to foods that are low in energy and proteins to avoid quick weight gain, which can cause pressure on the bones.

For more information about pets and how alldogs.in can help you, please drops us a note at AllDogs.in

About Author

Malay Ranjini
Malay is an ardent pet lover and an animal activist. She si a volunteer at several animal rescue centers and finds fulfilment in educating people about pet care, adoption and the general philosophy of "live and let live".


Reply Ronak Kamal
These days I find it difficult to buy specialist puppy food from super markets in Delhi, so I make my own puppy food. I basically use rice powder, milk powder, dired and ground dry fruits and some chopped carrots. My 3 month old Lucky loves it.
Reply Rahul Tiwari
I just feed my 5 month old labrador twice a day - boiled eggs & rice once and then milk or chicken with rice.

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