Doberman Pinscher

Doberman Pinscher, also referred to as just Doberman and sometimes as Dobie is a majestic breed of dogs. It is not uncommon to think of Dobermans the moment someone thinks of a dog guarding their property. These adorable dogs originated in Germany during the late 19th century. The breeds that make up Doberman are not very clear and remains a contentious subject even today, but they are believed to have Rottweiler, Black and Tan Terrier, and German Pinscher in their genetic makeup.

Dobermans are highly energetic and smart dogs who perform well in police and military work, dog sports and as companions and family guardians.

Dobermans have a shiny, sleek coat, athletic build and a majestic appearance that is unmissable.

One of India's most popular dog breed

Dobermans fit the most of the Indian climate conditions and so have been one of the most commonly sighted dog breeds across the country. Given the breed itself is relatively new, it is a great feat that this dog breed has become so popular in India. Also in the United States and in the UK, Dobermans hold their position among some of the most popular dog breeds.

With an elegant look and athletic style, Dobermans are also intelligent, alert and loyal. While they are a courageous guard dog, they are also a lovely family companion. Unfortunately, due to their alertness and protective loyalty they display without any fear, Dobermans are stereotyped as highly vicious and aggressive. While it is true that they have natural instincts to be protective, they are usually gentle, watchful and a loving dog. If they perceive any danger, they fearlessly defend their family.

Dobermans are best raised and being treated as part of a family as they liked to be close to those that they love. They are very trustworthy with the family’s children, friend and guests as long as they are treated kindly and with love and some attentiveness.

Because Dobies are extremely active, AllDogs suggests that Dobies are not everyone. At 27 KG – 35 KG weight, they can be considered large. Considering they are active, their large size makes it difficult for first time dog owners. The fact that they like to be both physically and mentally active, Dobies are best suited for those who lead an active life style and those who could afford to spend quality time and effort with their dogs.

An unmistakable look of a typical Doberman is those cropped ears and docked tails. Although it is considered illegal in some countries, in India cropping of ears and docking of tails are widely practiced.

AllDogs recommends this dogbed to give a good night’s sleep to your Doberman. You should also consider feeding you dog this amazing well-balanced, nutrition-rich dog food.

Physical attributes

Males stand 26 to 28 inches tall; females stand 24 to 26 inches tall.

Males and females weigh 27 – 35 KG; males are slightly larger than females.


A super-intelligent and super-active dog--that's what one gets when they get home a Doberman Pinscher. They also get an extremely loyal, trustworthy dog who is playful and a fun-loving family companion. A natural protector who won't hesitate to respond to situations and take charge when they think their family is in danger, but they are not aggressive without necessity.

Dobermans remain a puppy for up to 4 years. This makes them one of the dog breeds that remain a puppy for a long period.

Dobeman’s personality traits are hugely influenced by their parents in addition to training and early socialization. Alldogs suggests that one takes the effort to meet the parents of the puppy to judge the parents’ personality traits before picking up a puppy from the litter. DogTime recommends this big, spacious crate to give your big Doberman Pinscher a place to rest and relax. You should also pick up this dog brush and massager for your short-haired pup!.


Dobermans are generally healthy, but like all breeds, they're prone to certain health conditions. Not all Dobermans will get any or all of these diseases, but it's important to be aware of them if you are considering this breed.

Von Willebrand's Disease, Hip Dysplasia, Progressive Retinal Atrophy, Hypothyroidism, Cardiomyopathy, Albinoism and Gastric Dilatation-Volvulus are some of the most reported health conditions for Doberman Pinscher.

Of all the reported health conditions, the Hip Dysplasia is one of the more frequently reported conditions. This is a condition that is hereditary and passed on to the puppies by their parents. This condition is where the thighbone doenst fit well into the hip joint making walking for the dog very uncomfortable. What makes this difficult is that this condition is less pronounced in puppies as this condition develops as the dog ages. If you are considering taking home a Doberman Puppy, you are better off checking if the parents of the puppy had this condition. Responsible breeders never breed dogs with hip dysplasia.

AllDogs recommends this hip supporter for Doberman Pinschers.

Feeding Doberman Pinschers

Dobies are kept in good shape by measuring their food and feeding them twice a day rather than leaving food out all the time. If you are unsure whether they're overweight, give them the eye test and the hands-on test.

How to test if your Doberman is fed correctly? You should be able to see a waist when you look down at them. Then place your hands on their back, thumbs along the spine, with the fingers spread downward. You should be able to feel but not see their ribs without having to press hard. If you can't, they need less food and more exercise.

Dobermans are best fed when they are fed just correctly. Recommended daily amount is 1 – 1.5 cups of high quality dry food twice a day. AllDogs recommends this puppy food for puppies and adult food for adults.

Dobermans also adapt well to home-made food; if an owner wants to feed their dogs home-made food, they just need to make sure the food has 20-25% protein for adults and up to 30% of protein for puppies. The protein needs to come from high quality sources such as chicken breasts, lamb/mutton, and fish.

Given the popularity of Dobermans in India, one can easily find a puppy or a grown up Dobie easy to adopt from your network. recommends one always considers adopting from someone who is struggling to meet the pet's needs before considering taking home a new puppy.

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